There May Be Different Purposes To Decide To Discover How To Make A Diaper Cake

Posted by vicky Monday, April 30, 2012 0 komentar
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By Diane Dexter

Likely one of the most like and well received baby gifts, to be given both for at a shower or just after the baby is born, is the well-stocked and useful diaper cake, so how to make a diaper cake is a question often being asked. They are likely one of the best gifts an expectant or new parent can receive as they include lots of those all too necessary diapers! While the cakes can be purchased pre-made, they are often very expensive, and really they are easy to put together yourself.

They, for those who do not know, are gifts made up of rolled baby diapers and sometimes other small baby gifts. These gifts include clothing, toys, stuffed animals, bath toiletries, and more. The cakes themselves can be small and just a single tier or they can be large with three or more tiers, three tiered varieties are likely the most common.

For the larger tiered cakes, 65-100 diapers are needed. If there are things such as onesies, bottles, or toys included, this may reduce the number of diapers needed. They cakes may look complicated or hard to put together, but with the right supplies and a little time, they can be put together quickly and the result is very cute.

The best place to begin is by putting together each of the layers. For the average three layer model, about 65-70 diapers will be needed. First, each needs to be rolled up and secured with a rubber band, this is repeated for every one of the diapers.

Once each of the tiers has been completely and secured into a round shape with a rubber band, it is time to stack it. It is helpful to insert a few wooden dowels through each layer to make sure they all stay together. Dowels can be easily found at any craft store and are often amongst the cake decorating items.

Once the layers are all put together, now is the time to start decorating the layers. Sometimes, people place things like bottles and clothing, etc, in with the actual rolled diapers. Other time, they only make the tiers out of diapers and use the extra items to decorate the outside.

To decorate with baby items, they can be nestled into the diapers or attached in some other way. Often, items are placed on to resemble a topper. No matter which guide on how to make a diaper cake, it will be one of the most incredibly useful and unique baby gifts.

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